Influences of Weizmannia coagulans PR06 Fermentation on Texture, Cooking Quality and Starch Digestibility of Oolong Tea-Fortified Rice Noodles

Foods. 2024 Aug 24;13(17):2673. doi: 10.3390/foods13172673.


Weizmannia coagulans is increasingly employed in food processing owing to its health benefits. Our previous research developed Oolong tea-fortified rice noodles with unique flavor and potent antioxidant activity; however, their texture still requires improvement. In this study, Oolong tea-fortified rice noodles were fermented using W. coagulans PR06 at inoculation amounts of 1%, 3%, and 5% (v/v), and assessed for cooking quality, texture, and starch digestibility. The results indicated that fermentation with 3% and 5% W. coagulans PR06 altered the amylopectin length distribution in the rice noodles and increased the degree of starch short-range order. Furthermore, the fermentation process increased the storage modulus (G') and loss modulus (G″) values, decreased the tan δ value, and strengthened the interactions among tea polyphenols, proteins, and starch in the rice flour gel. Consequently, this process increased the hardness and chewiness of the rice noodles, decreased their broken strip rate and cooking loss, and significantly reduced their in vitro starch digestibility. Overall, fermentation with W. coagulans PR06 markedly improved the texture and cooking quality of Oolong tea-fortified rice noodles while effectively delaying starch digestion. This study highlights the potential application of W. coagulans PR06 in developing diverse and functional rice noodle products.

Keywords: Oolong tea-fortified rice noodles; cooking quality; fermentation by Weizmannia coagulans PR06; in vitro starch digestibility; texture.