Characteristics of T- and NK-cell Lymphomas After Renal Transplantation: A French National Multicentric Cohort Study.
Barba T, Bachy E, Maarek A, Fossard G, Genestier L, Anglicheau D, Moal V, Dantal J, Rieu P, Chemouny J, Charrier M, Durrbach A, Provot F, Ducloux D, Westeel PF, Heng AE, Rerolle JP, Barrou B, Grimbert P, Chatelet V, Mousson C, Janbon B, Pernin V, Frimat L, Ouali N, Glotz D, Thierry A, Mariat C, Büchler M, Gaulard P, Leblond V, Morelon E, Dubois V, Salles G, Caillard S, Thaunat O.
Barba T, et al.
Transplantation. 2021 Aug 1;105(8):1858-1868. doi: 10.1097/TP.0000000000003568.
Transplantation. 2021.
PMID: 33560724