Background: Surgical resection is the only curative treatment of pancreatic carcinoma (PC). An accurate assessment of the extension of PC is mandatory to select appropriate patients to this therapeutic option. This study was aimed at assessing the usefulness of abdominal ultrasonography (US) and computed tomography (CT) to establish tumoral staging and to predict tumor resectability.
Patients and methods: Between January 1990 and December 1995, 84 PC patients were submitted to surgical procedures (potentially curative resection in 30%, biliodigestive anastomosis in 51% and exploratory laparotomy in 13%). Preoperative staging was carried out by means of abdominal US and/or CT. Definitive staging was established according to surgical findings, using the TNM classification.
Results: Accuracy of preoperative evaluation with regard to tumoral staging was 65%, being underestimated in 29 (35%) patients. This underestimation was mainly due to lesions in stage I. In addition, preoperative staging predicted tumor unresectability with a 50% sensitivity and a 83% specificity.
Conclusions: US and CT have a good specificity in the staging and unresectability prediction of pancreatic cancer. However, their usefulness is limited by their low sensitivity.