Background: Eccrine angiomatous hamartoma is an uncommon skin disease with vascular and sudoral components: less than thirty cases have been reported in the literature.
Case report: A 3.5 month-old female infant developed a painful angiomatous plaque on the abdomen which was first seen 15 days after birth. Histology showed numerous vessels and eccrine sudoral glands in the dermis. Exeresis could not be complete and was followed for 15 years. There has been a slight hyperpigmentation with localized hyperhidrosis over the plaque. This hypersudation confirms the diagnosis which could not be confirmed on the initial biopsies.
Discussion: This case of congenital eccrine angiomatous hamartoma could only be diagnosed late in the clinical course. This is the first case report on the abdomen, 80 p. 100 of the previous reports were on the limbs. After a 15 year follow-up, there was no progression of the hamartoma and pain regressed gradually. Without secondary development of localized hyperhidrosis, the diagnosis could not have been made. Careful comparison of pathology findings and clinical expression are essential for the diagnosis of eccrine angiomatous hamartoma.