This paper presents a study of the intrinsic localization error bias due to the use of a spherical geometry model on EEG simulated data obtained from realistically shaped models. About 2000 dipoles were randomly chosen on the segmented cortex surface of a particular subject. Forward calculations were performed using a uniformly meshed model for each dipole located at a depth greater than 20 mm below the brain surface, and locally refined models were used for shallower dipoles. Inverse calculations were performed using four different spherical models and another uniformly meshed model. It was found that the best spherical model lead to localization errors of 5-6 mm in the upper part of the head, and of 15-25 mm in the lower part. The influence of the number of electrodes upon this intrinsic bias was also studied. It was found that using 32 electrodes instead of 19 improves the localization by 2.7 mm on average, while using 63 instead of 32 electrodes lead to improvements of less than 1 mm. Finally, simulations involving two simultaneously active dipoles (one in the vicinity of each auditory cortex) show localization errors increasing by about 2-3 mm.