Purpose: To determine the value of functional MR imaging to supplement conventional MR imaging for locating the rolandic cortex.
Methods: Parasagittal MR images acquired in conjunction with functional MR images were reviewed. The central sulcus was identified on the MR images by conventional parcellation methods. In the functional MR images, the sensorimotor cortex (rolandic cortex) was identified by the activation secondary to finger and thumb movement or tactile stimulation of the palm. The location of the central sulcus and rolandic cortex was compared.
Results: In 18 of 23 studies, the central sulcus selected by anatomic criteria coincided exactly or approximately with the cortex activated by the motor or sensory tasks. In two cases of tumor, the rolandic cortex could be located by means of the activation, but the central sulcus was not identified because of severe distortion of anatomic landmarks. In two volunteers, the central sulcus identified by anatomic landmarks did not coincide with the activated cortex.
Conclusion: This study demonstrates that functional imaging supplements anatomic imaging in locating the sensorimotor cortex. Functional MR imaging may be a useful adjunct to conventional MR imaging to determine noninvasively the proximity of eloquent brain to focal brain lesions.