Mammalian cells have a marked capacity to repair double-strand breaks in DNA, but the molecular and biochemical mechanisms underlying this process are largely unknown. A previous report has described an activity from mammalian cell nuclei that is capable of multimerizing blunt-ended DNA substrates (R. Fishel, M.K. Derbyshire, S.P. Moore, and C.S.H. Young, Biochimie 73:257-267, 1991). In this report, we show that nuclear extracts from HeLa cells contain activities which preferentially join linear plasmid substrates in either a head-to-head or tail-to-tail configuration, that the joining reaction is covalent, and that the joining is accompanied by loss of sequence at the junction. Sequencing revealed that there was a loss of a uniform number of nucleotides from junctions formed from any one type of substrate. The loss was not determined by any simple site-specific mechanism, but the number of nucleotides lost was affected by the precise terminal sequence. There was no major effect on the efficiency or outcome of the joining reaction with substrates containing blunt ends or 3' or 5' protruding ends. Using a pair of plasmid molecules with distinguishable restriction enzyme sites, we also observed that blunt-ended DNA substrates could join with those containing protruding 3' ends. As with the junctions formed between molecules with identical ends, there was uniform loss of nucleotides. Taken together, the data are consistent with two models for the joining reaction in which molecules are aligned either throughout most of their length or by using small sequence homologies located toward their ends. Although either model can explain the preferential formation of head-to-head and tail-to-tail products, the latter predicts the precise lossof nucleotides observed. These activities are found in all cell lines examined so far and most likely represent an important repair activity of the mammalian cell.