We recorded movement-related cortical potentials (MRCPs) associated with voluntary muscle relaxation, which was not accompanied by contraction of the antagonist or any other muscles, in 10 normal subjects. Voluntary, self-paced relaxation of the wrist extensors from the extended position was employed as the relaxation task, and wrist flexion by muscle contraction was employed as the contraction task. The accelerogram was used to obtain the trigger signals for both tasks. The electromyograms of the ipsilateral agonist and antagonist, the proximal muscles and the contralateral corresponding muscles were monitored to confirm the absence of muscle contraction for the relaxation task. All MRCP components were identified in both tasks; Bereitschaftspotential (BP), negative slope (NS'), parietal peak of motor potential (ppMP) and frontal peak of motor potential (fpMP). BP started earlier and was larger at the contralateral parietotemporal electrodes for the relaxation than for the contraction task, and the slow positive shift at the bilateral frontopolar electrodes was seen more often in the relaxation task. It is concluded that the voluntary muscle relaxation needs a cortical preparatory process similar to voluntary muscle contraction, and needs a more extensive and longer preparation process in the primary motor area and possibly in other motor areas as compared with the contraction.