Studies that focus on frequency of sexual activity among older gay men are scarce. The current study explores the relationship between internalized gay ageism and frequency of sexual activity with a potential mediator of sex-seeking behaviors among gay men aged 50 or older in the Midwestern U.S. Internalized gay ageism did not predict frequency of sexual activity when mediated by sex-seeking behaviors. However, more frequent sex-seeking behaviors were associated with more frequent sexual activity. Participants in open relationships (compared to single/widowed) reported more frequent sex-seeking behaviors; those in both monogamish and open relationships reported more frequent sexual activity compared to single/widowed participants. Additionally, participants with income of US$50,000 to US$75,000 and > US$75,000 report less frequent sexual activity compared to participants reporting <US$25,000. Cultural sensitivity around relationships and sexual behavior that may be unique to older gay men is critical.
Keywords: Aging; Gay men; Non-monogamy; Sexual behavior; Sexual health.
Published by Elsevier Inc.