Exploring the Sustainable Utilization of Deep Eutectic Solvents for Chitin Isolation from Diverse Sources

Polymers (Basel). 2024 Nov 16;16(22):3187. doi: 10.3390/polym16223187.


Deep eutectic solvents (DES) represent an innovative and environmentally friendly approach for chitin isolation. Chitin is a natural nitrogenous polysaccharide, characterized by its abundance of amino and hydroxyl groups. The hydrogen bond network in DES can disrupt the crystalline structure of chitin, facilitating its isolation from bioresources by dissolving or degrading other components. DES are known for their low cost, natural chemical constituents, and recyclability. Natural deep eutectic solvents (NADES), a subclass of DES made from natural compounds, offer higher biocompatibility, biodegradability, and the lowest biotoxicity, making them highly promising for the production of eco-friendly chitin products. This review summarized studies on chitin isolation by DES, including reviews of biomass resources, isolation conditions (raw materials, DES compositions, solid-liquid ratios, temperature, and time), and the physicochemical properties of chitin products. Consequently, we have concluded that tailoring an appropriate DES-based process on the specific composition of the raw material can notably improve isolation efficiency. Acidic DES are particularly effective for extracting chitin from materials with high mineral content, such as crustacean bio-waste; for instance, the choline chloride-lactic acid DES achieved purity levels comparable to those of commercial chemical methods. By contrast, alkaline DES are better suited for chitin isolation from protein-rich sources, such as squid pens. DES facilitate calcium carbonate removal through H+ ion release and leverage unique hydrogen bonding interactions for efficient deproteination. Among these, potassium carbonate-glycerol DES have demonstrated optimal efficacy. Nonetheless, further comprehensive research is essential to evaluate the environmental impact, economic feasibility, and safety of DES application in chitin production.

Keywords: chitin; deep eutectic solvents; green processing; sustainable production.

Publication types

  • Review