Schwannoma is a rare mass that is benign. It develops from the Schwann cells found in the peripheral nerves. Schwannomas consists of spindle cells exhibiting two unique histological patterns, which may be combined: Antoni type A and type B. When evaluating individuals who have a polyp-like growth in their nose and complain of one-sided nasal blockage, it is crucial to take into account the possibility of a schwannoma as part of the potential diagnoses. A 70-year-old female patient arrived with a gradual and persistent obstruction of the nasal passages over a period of six months. A polypoidal reddish mass was observed in the middle meatus during nasal endoscopy. Endoscopic transnasal excision was carried out. Additionally, a middle meatal antrostomy was done. The potential differential diagnoses encompass carcinoma, inverted papilloma, sarcoma, lymphoma, and neurofibroma. The most recommended method for treating nasal schwannoma is transnasal endoscopic surgery.
Keywords: Ancient schwannoma; Antoni type A; Antoni type B; Endoscopic transnasal excision.
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