Fermented By-Products of Banana Wine Production Improve Slaughter Performance, Meat Quality, and Flavor Fingerprint of Domestic Chicken

Foods. 2024 Oct 28;13(21):3441. doi: 10.3390/foods13213441.


This study aimed to compare the effects of incorporating fermented feed into daily diets on the slaughter performance, meat quality, and flavor compounds of 120 domestic chickens over a 140-day period. A total of five groups (n = 24), including the control group (CK) of the Guangxi Partridge chickens received a standard base diet. The other four groups were provided with pellets that had been added with 10% fermented banana peel (Pe-10), 20% fermented banana peel (Pe-20), 10% fermented banana pulp residue (Pu-10), and 20% fermented banana pulp residue (Pu-20). The flavor compounds in the meat samples of the chickens in these groups were determined using the gas chromatographic method. The results demonstrated that the chickens in the Pe-10, Pe-20, Pu-10, and Pu-20 groups exhibited pectoral muscle percentages, thigh muscle percentages, and total fatty acid content of chest meat that were higher than those observed in the CK group. The moisture content, meat color, carcass weight, total net weight, and abdominal fat percentage of the meat samples in these experimental groups exhibited no notable differences. The flavor compounds in the meat samples of the chickens fed with the two concentrations of fermented banana peel and banana residue were found to be significantly different from those in the control group, with p-values less than 0.05. As the quantity of fermented banana peel incorporated into the daily ration was increased from 10% to 20%, a notable alteration in the flavor compounds present in the chicken samples was observed. The chickens that were provided with fermented banana peels and pulps in their diets exhibited superior slaughter performance and meat quality, particularly in the case of the Pu-10 group, in comparison to the control chickens.

Keywords: aroma; fat composition; sensory analysis; shear force; water-holding capacity.