Axial split step osteotomy of free iliac crest flaps for mandible reconstruction: Preliminary results

Head Neck. 2024 Sep 25. doi: 10.1002/hed.27941. Online ahead of print.


Background: Vascularized bone grafting (VBG) is preferred for mandibular reconstruction post-tumor ablation. Although various bone-free flaps are used, their application is compromised by limitations including insufficient bone volume and poor shape. Here, we report mandibular reconstruction using axial split-step osteotomy with an iliac crest-free flap.

Methods: Over December 2018-November 2020, 12 patients underwent mandibular reconstruction via axial split osteotomy using a free iliac-crest flap.

Results: The preoperative iliac-crest length was 5.7-9.5 mm (median, 7.5 cm); the mean post-axial split-osteotomy iliac-crest length increased to 9.59 mm (range, 6.34-15.15 mm). All patients presented with initial healing 2 weeks postoperation; good bone healing was achieved in all grafted flaps by the third month of follow-up.

Conclusions: We propose a new axial split-step osteotomy technique using free iliac-crest flaps for mandibular reconstruction. We demonstrated this novel technique's reliability for safe and effective bone lengthening and establishing a reliable occlusal relationship.

Keywords: deep circumflex iliac artery flap; mandible reconstruction; osteotomy.