Health Hazards Associated with Dietary Exposure of Female Rat to Cadmium-Contaminated Cooked Rice: Biochemical, Hormonal, and Histopathological Analysis

Biol Trace Elem Res. 2024 Sep 24. doi: 10.1007/s12011-024-04390-3. Online ahead of print.


The actual exposure, bioavailability, and body burden of dietary cadmium (Cd) vary with the food matrix. Here, we evaluated the health hazards of 45-day long-term exposure of growing Sprague-Dawley (SD) female rats to a natural and endogenous Cd-contaminated brown and white cooked rice dietary model. Cd was found mainly in the duodenum, kidney, and liver; the cecum and colon also contained substantial amounts of Cd in rats fed Cd-contaminated cooked white rice (cWR-test) but not Cd-contaminated cooked brown rice (cBR-test). Damage due to Cd exposure was reflected in liver dysfunction, altered estradiol levels, and distinctive pathologies in organ systems, although urinary Cd (U-Cd) excretion and blood Cd (B-Cd) were not detectable, suggesting that these are not the most accurate or appropriate biomarkers for evaluating dietary Cd exposure. Brown rice, despite being higher in Cd, can reduce Cd absorption and distribution in organs and increase the volume of Cd-containing feces, even achieving slightly higher excretion and lower apparent absorption rates of Cd than white rice, thereby reducing Cd damage to the body. The beneficial components of brown rice such as more dietary fiber, rice bran oil and polyphenol were speculated therefore to confer a degree of protection or repair. Nevertheless, the high apparent absorption levels observed here (> 5%) and signs of significant physical damage indicate that more stringent Cd intake guidelines and measures are needed to minimize Cd levels in rice.

Keywords: Cadmium (Cd); Cooked rice; Distribution; Female rat pup; Histopathology; Hormone.