Resolution of Molluscum Contagiosum After Discontinuation of Topical Corticosteroids During Dupilumab Therapy for Atopic Dermatitis: A Case Report

Cureus. 2024 Aug 21;16(8):e67391. doi: 10.7759/cureus.67391. eCollection 2024 Aug.


A 35-year-old male patient with atopic dermatitis (AD) was referred to our department for exacerbated AD lesions. His sudden discontinuation of topical corticosteroid had induced erythroderma on his face, extremities, and trunk. Additionally, he presented small multiple whitish papules, mainly on the trunk and thighs, diagnosed as molluscum contagiosum (MC). Dupilumab was initiated in combination with a topical corticosteroid (0.05% betamethasone butyrate propionate). After four weeks, the AD symptoms substantially improved, while MC showed no changes. After 11 weeks of dupilumab therapy, he abruptly stopped topical corticosteroid treatment, and the MC lesions completely resolved in two weeks.

Keywords: atopic dermatitis (ad); dupilumab; molluscum contagiosum; topical steroid withdrawal; viral immunology.

Publication types

  • Case Reports