Finite element model reveals the involvement of cartilage endplate in quasi-static biomechanics of intervertebral disc degeneration

Heliyon. 2024 Sep 5;10(18):e37524. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e37524. eCollection 2024 Sep 30.


Background and objective: The intrinsic link between the compositional and structural attributes and the biomechanical functionality is evident in intervertebral discs. However, it remains unclear from a biomechanical perspective whether cartilage endplate (CEP) degeneration exacerbates intervertebral disc degeneration.

Methods: This study developed and quantitatively validated four biphasic swelling-based finite element models. We then applied four quasi-static tests and simulated daily loading scenarios to examine the effects of CEP degradation.

Results: Under free-swelling conditions, short-term responses were prevalent, with CEP performance changes not significantly impacting response proportionality. The creep test results showed the more than 50 % of the strain was attributed to long-term responses. Stress-relaxation testing indicated that all responses increased with disc degeneration, yet CEP degeneration's impact was minimal. Daily load analyses revealed that disc degeneration significantly reduces nucleus pulposus pressure and disc height, whereas CEP degeneration marginally increases nucleus pressure and slightly decreases disc height.

Conclusions: Glycosaminoglycan content and CEP permeability are critical to the fluid-dependent viscoelastic response of intervertebral discs. Our findings suggest that CEP contributes to disc degeneration under daily loading conditions.

Keywords: Cartilage endplate; Daily loading; Degeneration of the intervertebral disc; Finite element; Quasi-static biomechanics.