Novel technique of pupillary dilation during retinal detachment surgery in an eye with iris claw lens

Med J Armed Forces India. 2024 Sep-Oct;80(5):595-598. doi: 10.1016/j.mjafi.2022.09.013. Epub 2022 Nov 28.


Iris fixated intraocular lens (IOLs) have been used for Aphakia and capsular bag instability. The IOLs cause a postoperative non dilating pupil in most cases. We encountered such a case which presented with rhegmatogenous retinal detachment. We describe a novel technique of operating for retinal reattachment in such a case using iris hooks passing in the potential plane between the IOL optic and the iris. The technique had advantages of obviating the need for IOL explantation, associated large corneal entry wound, allowing silicone oil tamponade by retaining an IOL-iris diaphragm, early visual rehabilitation, reduced surgical time, and avoiding multiple surgeries.

Keywords: Iris hooks; Retinal detachment; Singh-Worst iris claw.

Publication types

  • Case Reports