Exposure Practices to Animal-Origin Influenza A Virus at the Animal-Human Interface in Poultry and Swine Backyard Farms

Zoonoses Public Health. 2024 Sep 20. doi: 10.1111/zph.13182. Online ahead of print.


Aim: Backyard production systems (BPS) represent an interface of contact between people, domestic and wild animals. Studies conducted in Chile during the last decade have provided extensive evidence of influenza A virus (IAV) circulation in backyard poultry and swine. The aim of this study was to investigate exposure practices of humans to animal-origin IAV within backyards.

Methods and results: Backyard farmers and household members of a total of 101 BPS in the proximity of wetlands located throughout Chile were interviewed between 2021 and 2022. Data were collected on the nature of human-animal contacts through participation in productive activities conducted within backyards, which was used to estimate participants' exposure risk to animal-origin IAV. Additionally, RT-qPCR and serologic IAV active surveillance was carried out in backyard animals. Multilinear regression was used to identify factors associated with exposure risk. Overall, IAV prevalence was 10.1% (95% CI: 4.7%-15.5%) and seroprevalence was 43.5% (95% CI: 29.7%-54.2%), both at the BPS level. Of 180 interviewees, 86% reported participating regularly in poultry or swine exposure activities within the backyard. A greater participation of male participants was observed when evaluating swine exposure activities, while female participation was greater for some activities related to poultry handling. Handwashing was a very extended hygiene practice; however, the use of personal protective equipment was uncommon. Different factors related to participants, households and backyards were associated with an increased exposure risk of participants to animal-origin IAV: (i) older age, (ii) less years of education, (iii) no off-farm work, (iv) greater backyard production value and (v) greater household consumption of backyard products.

Conclusion: These results indicate the circulation of IAV in BPS and the frequent human-animal contact at this interface, highlighting the need for awareness campaigns and educational programmes aimed at backyard farmers on prevention and biosecurity measures in the management of backyard animals.

Keywords: Chile; backyards; exposure risk; influenza virus; poultry; swine.