Plant Pattern recognition receptors: Exploring their evolution, diversification, and spatiotemporal regulation

Curr Opin Plant Biol. 2024 Sep 19:82:102631. doi: 10.1016/j.pbi.2024.102631. Online ahead of print.


Plant genomes possess hundreds of candidate surface localized receptors capable of recognizing microbial components or modified-self molecules. Surface-localized pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) can recognize proteins, peptides, or structural microbial components as nonself, triggering complex signaling pathways leading to defense. PRRs possess diverse extracellular domains capable of recognizing epitopes, lipids, glycans and polysaccharides. Recent work highlights advances in our understanding of the diversity and evolution of PRRs recognizing pathogen components. We also discuss PRR functional diversification, pathogen strategies to evade detection, and the role of tissue and age-related resistance for effective plant defense.

Keywords: Functional diversification; Immune evasion; Microbe-associated molecular patterns; Pattern recognition receptors; Plant immunity; Tissue specificity.

Publication types

  • Review