Extracellular cleavage of microglia-derived progranulin promotes diet-induced obesity

Diabetes. 2024 Sep 20:db240097. doi: 10.2337/db24-0097. Online ahead of print.


Hypothalamic innate immune responses to dietary fats underpin the pathogenesis of obesity, in which microglia play a critical role. Progranulin (PGRN) is an evolutionarily -conserved secretory protein containing seven-and-a-half granulin (GRN) motifs. It is cleaved into GRNs by multiple proteases. In the central nervous system, PGRN is highly expressed in microglia. To investigate the role of microglia-derived PGRN in metabolism regulation, we established a mouse model with a microglia-specific deletion of the Grn gene, that encodes PGRN. Mice with microglia-specific Grn gene depletion displayed dietdependent metabolic phenotypes. Under normal diet-fed conditions, microglial Grn gene depletion produced adverse outcomes like fasting hyperglycemia and aberrant activation of hypothalamic microglia. However, when fed a high fat diet (HFD), these mice exhibited beneficial effects, including less obesity, glucose dysregulation, and hypothalamic inflammation. These differing phenotypes appear linked to increased extracellular cleavage of anti-inflammatory PGRN into proinflammatory GRNs in the hypothalamus during overnutrition. In support of this, inhibiting PGRN cleavage attenuated HFD-induced hypothalamic inflammation and obesity progression. Our results suggest that the extracellular cleavage of microglia-derived PGRN plays a significant role in promoting hypothalamic inflammation and obesity during periods of overnutrition. Therefore, therapies that inhibit PGRN cleavage may be beneficial for combating dietinduced obesity.