Evaluating multi-channel interaction design for enhancing Pose accuracy in yoga training among visually impaired individuals

Disabil Rehabil Assist Technol. 2024 Sep 20:1-14. doi: 10.1080/17483107.2024.2402799. Online ahead of print.


Aim: Physical exercise is essential for the physical and mental health of visually impaired people, but they often face challenges such as inaccurate movements, lack of rhythm and difficulty in mastering postures during exercise. This project introduces an assistive device based on a multi-channel interaction design strategy to improve the accuracy of yoga practice for the visually impaired and to enable their independent exercise.

Methods: The system uses a 1:1 model combined with an output interaction model. The effectiveness was verified through controlled experiments with unassisted exercise as the control group and yoga-assisted exercise as the experimental group. Improvements in yoga accuracy and product usability were verified using the Assisted Accuracy Scale and the SUS Scale, respectively.

Results: The results showed that the multi-channel interaction design significantly improved the accuracy and usability of yoga exercises and enhanced the ability of visually impaired people to exercise independently.

Conclusion: Through this project, we hope to replicate this design strategy to help more visually impaired individuals independently perform effective physical exercise at home, in a gym, or in an outdoor space, thereby improving their quality of life and overall health.

Keywords: Multisensory channels; action accuracy; design and research; visually impaired groups; yoga assistance.

Plain language summary

A yoga assistive device called E-YOGA, which improves the accuracy of yoga for the visually impaired through augmented interactive technology, thereby enhancing the ability of the visually impaired to exercise on their own.By participating in sports activities, visually impaired people can improve their health, living ability, body system and organ function.Regular physical activity is essential for visually impaired people, not only to build strength and endurance, but also for simple daily activities that require a lot of energy.