A Genomic Counseling Model for Population-Based Sequencing: A Pre-Post Intervention Study

Genet Med. 2024 Sep 17:101272. doi: 10.1016/j.gim.2024.101272. Online ahead of print.


Background: Novel uses of genome sequencing (GS) present an opportunity for return of results to healthy individuals, prompting the need for scalable genetic counseling strategies. We evaluate the effectiveness of a genomic counseling model (GCM) and explore preferences for GS findings in the general population.

Methods: Participants (N=466) completed GS and our GCM (digital genomics platform and group-based webinar), and indicated results preferences. Surveys were administered pre- (T0) and post- (T1) GCM. Change in knowledge and decisional conflict (DC) were evaluated using paired-sample T and Wilcoxon tests. Factors influencing knowledge and results preferences were evaluated using linear and logistic regression models.

Results: Participants were 56% female, 58% white, and 53% ≥40 years of age. Mean knowledge scores increased (Limitations: 3.73 to 5.63; benefits: 3.73 to 5.48, p<0.0001) and DC decreased (-21.9, p<0.0001) at T1 versus T0. Eighty-six percent of participants wished to learn all GS findings at T1 vs 78% at T0 (p<0.0001). Older age, negative/mixed attitudes toward genetics, and greater DC were associated with change in preferences post-intervention.

Conclusion: In a population-based cohort undergoing GS interested in learning GS findings, our GCM increased knowledge and reduced DC, illustrating the GCM's potential effectiveness for GS counseling in the general population.

Keywords: Digital tools; Genome sequencing; Genomic counseling; Population screening; Preferences.