The construction and application of a trauma limb salvage map in Shaanxi province

Chin J Traumatol. 2024 Aug 15:S1008-1275(24)00106-8. doi: 10.1016/j.cjtee.2024.08.004. Online ahead of print.


Trauma is an important cause of death in young- and middle-aged people. Trauma is comprehensive and includes many surgical specialties, and the surgical techniques of these specialties have long been mature. To reduce the mortality and disability rate of trauma patients, it is necessary to improve trauma management. Trauma has attracted attention in China and trauma treatment and care developed rapidly in recent years. To decrease traumatic mortality and disability rates, our team is committed to building an efficient trauma system in Shaanxi province and has successfully developed a trauma limb salvage map to address the high rates of amputation and disability in patients with limb injuries. This article elaborates on the construction experience of a trauma limb salvage map and its application details in Shaanxi province of China.

Keywords: Amputation; Major trauma; Trauma center; Trauma system.

Publication types

  • Review