Recent advancements in the extraction and analysis of phthalate acid esters in food samples

Food Chem. 2024 Sep 18;463(Pt 2):141262. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2024.141262. Online ahead of print.


Phthalate acid esters (PAEs) are ubiquitous environmental pollutants present in food samples, necessitating accurate detection for risk assessment and remediation efforts. This review provides an updated overview of the recent progress on the PAEs analysis regarding sample pretreatment techniques and analytical methodologies over the latest decade. Advances in sample preparation include solid-based extraction techniques replacing conventional liquid-liquid extraction, with solid sorbents emerging as promising alternatives due to their minimal solvent consumption and enhanced selectivity. Although techniques like the microextraction methods offer versatility and reduced solvent reliance, there is a need for more efficient and environmentally friendly techniques enabling on-site portable detection. High-resolution mass spectrometry is increasingly utilized for its enhanced sensitivity and reduced contamination risks. However, challenges persist in developing in situ analytical techniques for trace PAEs in complex food samples. Future research should prioritize novel analytical techniques with superior sensitivity and selectivity, addressing current limitations to meet the demand for precise PAEs detection in diverse food matrices.

Keywords: Analytical determination; Food samples; Phthalate acid esters; Sample pretreatment.

Publication types

  • Review