Assessment of hyperacute cerebral ischemia using laser speckle contrast imaging

Brain Connect. 2024 Sep 18. doi: 10.1089/brain.2024.0026. Online ahead of print.


Accurate diagnosis of cerebral ischemia severity is crucial for clinical decision-making. Laser speckle contrast imaging based cerebral blood flow imaging can help assess the severity of cerebral ischemia by monitoring changes in blood flow. In this study, we simulated hyperacute ischemia in rats, isolating arterial and venous flow-related signals from cortical vasculature. Pearson correlation was used to examine the correlation between damaged vessels. Granger causality analysis was utilized to investigate causality correlation in ischemic vessels. Resting state analysis revealed a negative Pearson correlation between regional arteries and veins. Following cerebral ischemia induction, a positive artery-vein correlation emerged, which vanished after blood flow reperfusion. Granger causality analysis demonstrating enhanced causality coefficients for middle artery-vein pairs during occlusion, with a stronger left-right arterial effect than that of right-left, which persisted after reperfusion. These processing approaches amplify the understanding of cerebral ischemic images, promising potential future diagnostic advancements.

Keywords: Brain connectivity; Cerebral blood flow; Functional connectivity; Ischemia.