Qualitative and Quantitative Analyses of Sialyl O-Glycans in Milk-Derived Sialylglycopeptide Concentrate

Foods. 2024 Sep 2;13(17):2792. doi: 10.3390/foods13172792.


Sialyl glycans have several biological functions. We have previously reported on the preparation and bifidogenic activity of milk-derived sialylglycopeptide (MSGP) concentrate containing sialyl O-glycans. The current study qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed the sialyl O-glycans present in the MSGP concentrate. Notably, our quantitative analysis indicated that a majority of O-glycopeptides in the MSGP concentrate were derived from glycomacropeptides. The concentrate was found to contain mainly three types of sialyl core 1 O-glycans, with the disialyl core 1 O-glycan being the most abundant. We successfully quantified three types of sialyl core 1 O-glycans using a meticulous method that used homogeneous O-glycopeptides as calibration standards. Our results provide valuable insights into assessment strategies for the quality control of O-glycans in dietary products and underscore the potential applications of MSGP concentrate in the food industry and other industries.

Keywords: O-glycan; homogeneous O-glycopeptide; sialylglycopeptide.

Grants and funding

This research received no external funding.