Neighborhood Safety Concerns and the Onset of Depressive Symptoms Among Women: A Population-based Prospective Cohort Study in South Korea

J Urban Health. 2024 Sep 13. doi: 10.1007/s11524-024-00923-2. Online ahead of print.


Neighborhood safety is crucial for the well-being of residents; however, longitudinal evidence is scarce. This study explored the association between neighborhood safety concerns and depressive symptoms among women. A nationally representative sample of 10,008 women was surveyed in 2016. Six dimensions of neighborhood safety concerns were assessed: crime, food, safety at night, traffic accidents, building and facility, and general safety. The total score for neighborhood safety concerns ranged from 6 to 24, with higher scores indicating greater concerns. Depressive symptoms were assessed using the 10-item version of the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression. For cross-sectional analyses, we explored how neighborhood safety concerns were associated with concurrent depressive symptoms at baseline. For the longitudinal analyses, we explored how they were associated with depressive symptom onset at the 2-year follow-up (2018) among women without depressive symptoms at baseline (n = 7,643). Logistic regressions were employed. The mean (standard deviation [SD]) of the neighborhood safety concern score was 12.7 (3.3). In the cross-sectional analysis, a 1-SD increase in neighborhood safety concern score was associated with 1.23-fold (95% CI: 1.13-1.35) increase in the odds of concurrent depressive symptoms at the baseline year. In the longitudinal analysis, a 1-SD increase in neighborhood safety concern score was associated with 1.15-fold (95% CI: 1.03-1.29) increase in the odds of experiencing the onset of depressive symptoms at the follow-up year. This study suggests that neighborhood safety concerns are risk factors for the development of depressive symptoms of female residents. Policy efforts are necessary to ensure community safety.

Keywords: Community safety; Depression; Mental health; Neighborhood environment; Public health.