Unraveling the role of ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme 5 (UBC5) in disease pathogenesis: A comprehensive review

Cell Signal. 2024 Sep 3:124:111376. doi: 10.1016/j.cellsig.2024.111376. Online ahead of print.


While certain members of ubiquitin-coupled enzymes (E2s) have garnered attention as potential therapeutic targets across diverse diseases, research progress on Ubiquitin-Conjugating Enzyme 5 (UBC5)-a pivotal member of the E2s family involved in crucial cellular processes such as apoptosis, DNA repair, and signal transduction-has been relatively sluggish. Previous findings suggest that UBC5 plays a vital role in the ubiquitination of various target proteins implicated in diseases and homeostasis, particularly in various cancer types. This review comprehensively introduces the structure and biological functions of UBC5, with a specific focus on its contributions to the onset and advancement of diverse diseases. It suggests that targeting UBC5 holds promise as a therapeutic approach for disease therapy. Recent discoveries highlighting the high homology between UBC5, UBC1, and UBC4 have provided insight into the mechanism of UBC5 in protein degradation and the regulation of cellular functions. As our comprehension of the structural distinctions among UBC5 and its homologues, namely UBC1 and UBC4, advances, our understanding of UBC5's functional significance also expands.

Keywords: Disease therapy; UBC5; UBC5-mediated signaling; Ubiquitin-coupled enzymes; Ubiquitination.

Publication types

  • Review