Loss of rapid eye movement atonia in rapid eye movement sleep behaviour disorder and narcolepsy

J Sleep Res. 2024 Aug 21:e14322. doi: 10.1111/jsr.14322. Online ahead of print.


A reduction of physiological muscle atonia during rapid eye movement sleep is characteristic in patients with rapid eye movement sleep behaviour disorder, however, it can also be found in narcolepsy patients. We evaluated rapid eye movement sleep associated electromyographic activity to set cut-off values of rapid eye movement sleep without atonia, differentiating rapid eye movement sleep behaviour disorder and narcolepsy patients from controls to enable more precise future diagnostic criteria for these disorders. We retrospectively analysed polysomnography recordings of 16 rapid eye movement sleep behaviour disorder patients, 15 narcolepsy patients, and 19 controls. The combination of phasic and tonic electromyographic activity was recorded in the mentalis and tibialis anterior muscles and analysed in 3 second miniepochs. The cut-off value for a diagnosis of rapid eye movement sleep behaviour disorder was 17.07% (100% sensitivity, 94.7% specificity, area under the curve 0.997). For the diagnosis of narcolepsy, we yielded a cut-off value of 8.4% (86.4% sensitivity, 68.4% specificity, area under the curve 0.850). Rapid eye movement sleep without atonia significantly (p = 0.046) increased in the second night half in rapid eye movement sleep behaviour disorder patients, while it remained moderately increased in the narcolepsy group. Polysomnographic evaluation proves significantly higher rates of rapid eye movement sleep without atonia in rapid eye movement sleep behaviour disorder than in narcolepsy patients, allowing differentiation from controls with high sensitivity and specificity. An increase throughout the night is characteristic for rapid eye movement sleep behaviour disorder, whereas a consistent elevation is typical in narcolepsy patients.

Keywords: insomnia; narcolepsy; parasomnias; rapid eye movement sleep; rapid eye movement sleep behaviour disorder.