Iron supplementation and iron accumulation promote adipocyte thermogenesis through PGC1α-ATGL-mediated lipolysis

J Biol Chem. 2024 Aug 17;300(9):107690. doi: 10.1016/j.jbc.2024.107690. Online ahead of print.


Iron homeostasis is essential for maintaining metabolic health and iron disorder has been linked to chronic metabolic diseases. Increasing thermogenic capacity in adipose tissue has been considered as a potential approach to regulate energy homeostasis. Both mitochondrial biogenesis and mitochondrial function are iron-dependent and essential for adipocyte thermogenic capacity, but the underlying relationships between iron accumulation and adipose thermogenesis is unclear. Firstly, we confirmed that iron homeostasis and the iron regulatory markers (e.g., Tfr1 and Hfe) are involved in cold-induced thermogenesis in subcutaneous adipose tissues using RNA-seq and bioinformatic analysis. Secondly, an Hfe (Hfe-/-)-deficient mouse model, in which tissues become overloaded with iron, was employed. We found iron accumulation caused by Hfe deficiency enhanced mitochondrial respiratory chain expression in subcutaneous white adipose in vivo and resulted in enhanced tissue thermogenesis with upregulation of PGC-1α and adipose triglyceride lipase, mitochondrial biogenesis and lipolysis. To investigate the thermogenic capacity in vitro, stromal vascular fraction from adipose tissues was isolated, followed with adipogenic differentiation. Primary adipocyte from Hfe-/- mice exhibited higher cellular oxygen consumption, associated with enhanced expression of mitochondrial oxidative respiratory chain protein, while primary adipocytes or stromal vascular fractions from WT mice supplemented with iron citrate) exhibited similar effect in thermogenic capacity. Taken together, these findings indicate iron supplementation and iron accumulation (Hfe deficiency) can regulate adipocyte thermogenic capacity, suggesting a potential role for iron homeostasis in adipose tissues.

Keywords: HFE; adipose thermogenesis; iron homeostasis; stromal vascular fractions.