Bibliometric Analysis of Meningiomas from 2001 to 2023: Focus on the Top 100 Most Cited Papers

World Neurosurg. 2024 Aug 3:S1878-8750(24)01332-9. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2024.07.190. Online ahead of print.


Objective: The aim was to conduct a comprehensive bibliometric analysis of meningioma research, focusing on publication trends, top authors, universities, countries, and thematic analysis of keywords.

Methods: From Scopus databases, first we analyzed 23,180 papers (or 19,824 articles and 3356 reviews) published between 2001 and 2023. Second, we selected the top 100 most cited papers and descriptively analyzed on Vosviewer and R Studio (bibliometrix/biblioshiny).

Results: For both sets, we highlighted the annual publication trends and the impact of top-cited papers. We identified leading authors, universities, and countries contributing significantly to the field. Keyword analysis categorized research themes across all papers. Specific focus was given to the top 100 most cited documents in meningioma. Details about the annual number of papers, mean citations per year, and the citable years are provided. The top authors are presented by number of publications, citations, h-index, g-index, and m-index. Co-word analysis was performed, and the main focus of the 100 most cited papers are presented in more than 20 categories.

Conclusions: Our findings may provide insights into the evolution of meningioma research and its scholarly impact. The analysis underscores the pivotal contributions of top authors and institutions, outlines thematic research trends, and highlights areas of significant interest and growth in the field. Our study may contribute to understanding the landscape of meningioma research, guiding future research directions and collaborations.

Keywords: Bibliometric analysis; Meningiomas; Scopus; Themes; Top authors.