Hepatosplenic involvement of tuberculosis: an uncommon presentation that demands attention in specific scenarios

Rev Esp Enferm Dig. 2024 Jul 5. doi: 10.17235/reed.2024.10581/2024. Online ahead of print.


Abdominal tuberculosis (TB), a potential differential diagnosis for acute and chronic abdomen, should be considered in specific situations, such as immunosuppressant or biological drug use, HIV, or in patients residing in endemic areas. Although the presence of thoracic tuberculosis may indicate abdominal TB, only 15% of patients with abdominal TB have evidence of pulmonary disease. Involvement of the liver and spleen is a common autopsy finding in patients with disseminated TB. However, the most common pattern is of fine miliary lesions. Hepatic involvement with a macronodular pattern, a rare occurrence, is linked to dissemination through the portal vein. The splenic macronodular form, an extremely rare presentation, can manifest as solitary or multiple nodules, oval or round, with a variable appearance reflecting different stages of the disease, adding to the uniqueness of this case.