Ggtree: A serialized data object for visualization of a phylogenetic tree and annotation data

Imeta. 2022 Sep 28;1(4):e56. doi: 10.1002/imt2.56. eCollection 2022 Dec.


While phylogenetic trees and associated data have been getting easier to generate, it has been difficult to reuse, combine, and synthesize the information they provided, because published trees are often only available as image files and associated data are often stored in incompatible formats. To increase the reproducibility and reusability of phylogenetic data, the ggtree object was designed for storing phylogenetic tree and associated data, as well as visualization directives. The ggtree object itself is a graphic object and can be rendered as a static image. More importantly, the input tree and associated data that are used in visualization can be extracted from the graphic object, making it an ideal data structure for publishing tree (image, tree, and data in one single object) and thus enhancing data reuse and analytical reproducibility, as well as facilitating integrative and comparative studies. The ggtree package is freely available at

Keywords: annotation data; data structure; ggtree; phylogenetic tree; visualization.