Simulated operations (SOs) are a direct application of the Integral Theory (IT) mantras, "structure and function are related" and "restore the structure and you will improve the function". SOs performed in a clinic setting, are the most effective way possible to test the validity of the IT predictions: stress urinary incontinence (SUI) and urge are mainly caused by laxity in the vagina or its supporting ligaments. The SUI prediction of the IT is validated if a hemostat applied vaginally in the position of the midurethra to mechanically support the pubourethral ligament (PUL) immediately stops urine loss on coughing. The urge and chronic pelvic pain (CPP) predictions of the IT are similarly validated if a patient states her urge and pain symptoms are relieved by insertion of the bottom blade of a bivalve speculum which supports the uterosacral ligaments (USLs). An important use of SOs is to preoperatively assess (by the hemostat test) whether sling surgery for SUI is likely to cure the patient. Similarly, the speculum is very useful for diagnosing whether severe urge or pain symptoms in a woman with minimal prolapse are originating from weak USLs. If digital support of a cystocele relieves urge symptoms, the patient can reasonably be informed that a cystocele repair should improve the urge as well her cystocele prolapse. Used intraoperatively under spinal anesthesia, SOs can determine whether a sling is sufficiently tight to reverse the loose PUL which is causing the SUI. Approximating both cardinal ligaments (CLs) intraoperatively can result in a remarkable disappearance of a transverese defect cystocele; approximating USLs intraoperatively can give an indication of how effective a USL plication would be surgically.
Keywords: Simulated operations (SOs); cardinal ligaments (CLs); pubourethral ligaments (PULs); uterosacral ligaments (USLs); vagina.
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