Objective: Caregivers raising children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) have limited access to evidence-based supports. This single-arm feasibility trial assesses the Families Moving Forward (FMF) Connect app to determine readiness for a larger randomized controlled trial (RCT).
Methods: Eligibility for this online trial included caregivers of children (ages 3-12) with FASD residing in the United States. Caregivers received FMF Connect for 12 weeks on their personal smartphones (iOS or Android). Pre- and post-assessments included child behavior, parenting and family functioning, and app quality; user experience interviews were conducted post-intervention. Usage and crashes were monitored. Study objectives assessed feasibility of the trial (recruitment, attrition, measure sensitivity), intervention (technical functionality, acceptability), and implementation (caregiver usage).
Results: Recruitment strategies proved sufficient with 171 caregivers screened and 105 deemed eligible. Analyses identified a few predictive demographic and outcome variables related to attrition. Several study measures were sensitive to change. Additional trial and measurement improvements were identified. From a technological perspective, the FMF Connect app was functional; the Android prototype required more.
Keywords: feasibility; fetal alcohol spectrum disorders; implementation; intervention; mHealth; parenting; prenatal alcohol; psychology.
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