Structural and functional connectivity associations with anterior cingulate sulcal variability

Res Sq [Preprint]. 2024 Jan doi: 10.21203/


Background: Sulcation of the anterior cingulate may be defined by presence of a paracingulate sulcus, a tertiary sulcus developing during the third gestational trimester with implications on cognitive function and disease.

Methods: In this retrospective analysis we examine task-free resting state functional connectivity and diffusion-weighted tract segmentation data from a cohort of healthy adults (< 60-year-old, n = 129), exploring the impact of ipsilateral paracingulate sulcal presence on structural and functional connectivity.

Results: Presence of a left paracingulate sulcus was associated with reduced fractional anisotropy in the left cingulum (P = 0.02) bundle and the peri-genual (P = 0.002) and dorsal (P = 0.03) but not the temporal cingulum bundle segments. Left paracingulate sulcal presence was associated with increased left peri-genual radial diffusivity (P = 0.003) and tract volume (P = 0.012). A significant, predominantly intraregional frontal component of altered resting state functional connectivity was identified in individuals possessing a left PCS (P = 0.01). Seed-based functional connectivity in pre-defined networks was not associated with paracingulate sulcal presence.

Conclusion: These results identify a novel association between neurodevelopmentally derived sulcation and altered structural connectivity in a healthy adult population with implications for conditions where this variation is of interest. Furthermore, they provide evidence of a link between the structural and functional connectivity of the brain in the presence of a paracingulate sulcus which may be mediated by a highly connected local functional network reliant on short association fibres.

Keywords: Cingulate; Functional Connectivity; Paracingulate; Resting-state; Sulcation.

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