1 Gustave Roussy, INSERM U981, PRISM National Center for Precision Medicine, Villejuif.
2 CentraleSupélec, Université Paris-Saclay, Laboratory of Mathematics and Informatics (MICS), Gif-sur-Yvette.
3 Gustave Roussy, INSERM U1287, Université Paris-Saclay, Equipe Labellisée Ligue Contre le Cancer, Villejuif; Department of Haematology, Gustave Roussy, Villejuif; Université Paris-Saclay, Faculty of Medicine, Le Kremlin-Bicètre.
4 Gustave Roussy, INSERM U981, PRISM National Center for Precision Medicine, Villejuif; Department of Medical Oncology, Gustave Roussy, Villejuif.
5 Medical Oncology Department, Institut de cancérologie de Lorraine, Vandoeuvre-lés-Nancy; Université de Lorraine, APEMAC, équipe MICS, Nancy, France.
6 Gustave Roussy, INSERM U981, PRISM National Center for Precision Medicine, Villejuif; Université Paris-Saclay, Faculty of Medicine, Le Kremlin-Bicètre; Department of Medical Oncology, Gustave Roussy, Villejuif.
7 Gustave Roussy, INSERM U981, PRISM National Center for Precision Medicine, Villejuif; Université Paris-Saclay, Faculty of Medicine, Le Kremlin-Bicètre; Department of Medical Oncology, Gustave Roussy, Villejuif. Electronic address: fabrice.andre@gustaveroussy.fr.