Background: To examine blood pressure (BP) and lipid treatment eligibility in antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) according to European Alliance of Associations for Rheumatology (EULAR) and European Society of Cardiology (ESC) recommendations.
Methods: Systematic Coronary Risk Evaluation (SCORE), modified-SCORE, diabetes mellitus (DM)-equivalent risk classifiers (DIME) and disease-related classifiers -type of thrombotic events (APSevents), antiphospholipid-antibody profile (aPLprofile) and adjusted Global APS Score for cardiovascular disease- were used to calculate predicted low-moderate, high and very-high cardiovascular risk (CVR) in 111 patients with APS without prior atherosclerotic cardiovascular events or DM. Actual CVR (AR) was determined according to ESC guidelines, including carotid/femoral plaque presence. In low-moderate SCORE-predicted risk patients, classification ability and agreement for BP or lipid treatment was tested with Matthews' correlation coefficient (MCC) and Cohen's kappa, respectively, using the AR classes as reference qualifiers.
Results: SCORE underestimated high/very-high-AR in >50% of cases. SCORE-guided BP/lipid treatment eligibility was 4.2%/12.6% for high, 10.5%/16.8% for very-high AR patients, while 5.3% of low-moderate AR cases were eligible for lipid-lowering therapy. For BP treatment, MCC was higher using DIME for low-moderate and very-high-risk (0.33 and 0.32, respectively), and using modified-SCORE+APSevents (MCC=0.25) for high-risk patients. Eligibility agreement was better with DIME+APSevents or aPLprofile (kappa=0.51) for high-risk, and DIME (kappa=0.31) for very-high-risk patients. For lipid treatment, both classification ability and eligibility agreement were stronger with SCORE (or modified-SCORE)+APSevents in low-moderate (MCC/kappa=0.43/0.41) and very-high risk (MCC/kappa=0.30/0.30), and with DIME+aPLprofile (MCC/kappa=0.50/0.50) in high-risk patients, respectively.
Conclusion: Multimodal risk assessment including disease-related and cardiometabolic features used for high-risk diseases such as DM can improve CVR management in APS.
Keywords: Antiphospholipid Syndrome; Atherosclerosis; Cardiovascular Diseases; Hypertension; Lipids.
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