Most women worldwide experience menopausal symptoms during the menopause transition or postmenopause. Vasomotor symptoms are most pronounced during the first four to seven years but can persist for more than a decade, and genitourinary symptoms tend to be progressive. Although the hallmark symptoms are hot flashes, night sweats, disrupted sleep, and genitourinary discomfort, other common symptoms and conditions are mood fluctuations, cognitive changes, low sexual desire, bone loss, increase in abdominal fat, and adverse changes in metabolic health. These symptoms and signs can occur in any combination or sequence, and the link to menopause may even be elusive. Estrogen based hormonal therapies are the most effective treatments for many of the symptoms and, in the absence of contraindications to treatment, have a generally favorable benefit:risk ratio for women below age 60 and within 10 years of the onset of menopause. Non-hormonal treatment options are also available. Although a symptom driven treatment approach with individualized decision making can improve health and quality of life for midlife women, menopausal symptoms remain substantially undertreated by healthcare providers.
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