Green Cytoplasmic Neutrophilic Inclusion Bodies in a Patient With Aspiration Pneumonia and Bowel Perforation

Cureus. 2023 Jul 3;15(7):e41318. doi: 10.7759/cureus.41318. eCollection 2023 Jul.


Blue-green cytoplasmic neutrophilic inclusion bodies, previously described as "green crystals of death," are a rare but likely underreported finding in critically ill patients. This finding is associated with high mortality, ranging from 31% to 100% in published case studies. These inclusion bodies have been most strongly associated with acute liver injury and lactic acidosis, but they have also been reported in critically ill patients secondary to other etiologies. Here, we report a case of blue-green neutrophilic inclusion bodies in a patient with aspiration pneumonia and severe pneumoperitoneum secondary to bowel perforation. These blue-green neutrophilic inclusion bodies offer high prognostic value for physicians, and their presence should be considered a "critical result," indicating the severity of the patient's illness.

Keywords: blood pathology; critical illness diagnosis; in-icu mortality; mortality predictors; pulmonary critical care.

Publication types

  • Case Reports