Background: This study aimed to assess the feasibility of estimating the pulmonary blood volume noninvasively using standard Rubidium-82 myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI) and characterize the changes during adenosine-induced hyperemia.
Methods: This study comprised 33 healthy volunteers (15 female, median age = 23 years), of which 25 underwent serial rest/adenosine stress Rubidium-82 MPI sessions. Mean bolus transit times (MBTT) were obtained by calculating the time delay from the Rubidium-82 bolus arrival in the pulmonary trunk to the arrival in the left myocardial atrium. Using the MBTT, in combination with stroke volume (SV) and heart rate (HR), we estimated pulmonary blood volume (PBV = (SV × HR) × MBTT). We report the empirically measured MBTT, HR, SV, and PBV, all stratified by sex [male (M) vs female (F)] as mean (SD). In addition, we report grouped repeatability measures using the within-subject repeatability coefficient.
Results: Mean bolus transit times was shortened during adenosine stressing with sex-specific differences [(seconds); Rest: Female (F) = 12.4 (1.5), Male (M) = 14.8 (2.8); stress: F = 8.8 (1.7), M = 11.2 (3.0), all P ≤ 0.01]. HR and SV increased during stress MPI, with a concomitant increase in the PBV [mL]; Rest: F = 544 (98), M = 926 (105); Stress: F = 914 (182), M = 1458 (338), all P < 0.001. The following test-retest repeatability measures were observed for MBTT (Rest = 17.2%, Stress = 17.9%), HR (Rest = 9.1%, Stress = 7.5%), SV (Rest = 8.9%, Stress = 5.6%), and for PBV measures (Rest = 20.7%, Stress = 19.5%) CONCLUSION: Pulmonary blood volume can be extracted by cardiac rubidium-82 MPI with excellent test-retest reliability, both at rest and during adenosine-induced hyperemia.
Keywords: Transit times; adenosine; positron emission tomography; pulmonary blood volume.
© 2023. The Author(s).