This study reviews the progression of our research, from modeling growth theories for cartilage tissue engineering, to the formulation of constrained reactive mixture theories to model inelastic responses in any solid material, such as theories for damage mechanics, viscoelasticity, plasticity, and elasto-plastic damage. In this framework, multiple solid generations can co-exist at any given time in the mixture. The oldest generation is denoted by and is called the master generation, whose reference configuration is observable. The solid generations are all constrained to share the same velocity , but may have distinct reference configurations . An important element of this formulation is that the time-invariant mapping between these reference configurations is a function of state, whose mathematical formulation is postulated by constitutive assumption. Thus, reference configurations are not observable . This formulation employs only observable state variables, such as the deformation gradient of the master generation and the referential mass concentrations of each generation, in contrast to classical formulations of inelastic responses which rely on internal state variable theory, requiring evolution equations for those hidden variables. In constrained reactive mixtures, the evolution of the mass concentrations is governed by the axiom of mass balance, using constitutive models for the mass supply densities . Classical and constrained reactive mixture approaches share considerable mathematical analogies, as they both introduce a multiplicative decomposition of the deformation gradient, also requiring evolution equations to track some of the state variables. However, they also differ at a fundamental level, since one adopts only observable state variables while the other introduces hidden state variables. In summary, this review presents an alternative foundational approach to the modeling of inelastic responses in solids, grounded in the classical framework of mixture theory.