Recommending yoga for health: A survey of perceptions among healthcare practitioners in the UK

Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2023 Aug:52:101765. doi: 10.1016/j.ctcp.2023.101765. Epub 2023 May 2.


Background: Yoga has the potential to support patients across various health conditions. It is slowly being integrated into healthcare worldwide. While healthcare practitioners (HCPs) are critical to integration, there are currently no studies investigating their perceptions of yoga for health, their openness to recommending yoga to patients, and barriers to doing so. This novel UK study aims to address this.

Method: An online survey was conducted among practising UK HCPs. Recruitment was through multi-modal convenience sampling. The COM-B model was used as a framework. Regression analysis examined predictors of HCPs' likelihood to recommend yoga. Open-end responses were analysed through thematic analysis.

Results: 198 HCPs were included in the analysis, including general practitioners (GPs, 18.8%), psychologists (18.3%), and nurses/health visitors (14.7%). A high proportion (68.8%) practised yoga at least monthly. The likelihood of recommending yoga to patients was high (M = 4.03, SD = 0.94; 5-point scale). Older age, not being a GP, and greater capability and motivation significantly predicted a greater likelihood of recommending yoga, explaining 41.4% of the variance (p < 0.001). Barriers to recommending yoga were mostly related to the lack of opportunity.

Conclusions: HCPs in this study had high levels of personal engagement with yoga and were open to recommending yoga to patients, but still faced several barriers. Workplace support, particularly for GPs, and information about how patients can access appropriate and affordable yoga instruction would facilitate referral. Further research with a representative sample is warranted to understand perceptions of HCPs less engaged with yoga.

Keywords: COM-B model; Healthcare practitioners; Perceptions; Yoga for health.

MeSH terms

  • Attitude of Health Personnel
  • General Practitioners*
  • Health Personnel
  • Humans
  • Qualitative Research
  • Surveys and Questionnaires
  • United Kingdom
  • Yoga*