Tropical and subtropical forest biomes are a main hotspot for the global nitrogen (N) cycle. Yet, our understanding of global soil N cycle patterns and drivers and their response to N deposition in these biomes remains elusive. By a meta-analysis of 2426-single and 161-paired observations from 89 published 15 N pool dilution and tracing studies, we found that gross N mineralization (GNM), immobilization of ammonium ( ) and nitrate ( ), and dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA) were significantly higher in tropical forests than in subtropical forests. Soil N cycle was conservative in tropical forests with ratios of gross nitrification (GN) to (GN/ ) and of soil nitrate to ammonium (NO3 - /NH4 + ) less than one, but was leaky in subtropical forests with GN/ and NO3 - /NH4 + higher than one. Soil NH4 + dynamics were mainly controlled by soil substrate (e.g., total N), but climatic factors (e.g., precipitation and/or temperature) were more important in controlling soil NO3 - dynamics. Soil texture played a role, as GNM and were positively correlated with silt and clay contents, while and DNRA were positively correlated with sand and clay contents, respectively. The soil N cycle was more sensitive to N deposition in tropical forests than in subtropical forests. Nitrogen deposition leads to a leaky N cycle in tropical forests, as evidenced by the increase in GN/ , NO3 - /NH4 + , and nitrous oxide emissions and the decrease in and DNRA, mainly due to the decrease in soil microbial biomass and pH. Dominant tree species can also influence soil N cycle pattern, which has changed from conservative in deciduous forests to leaky in coniferous forests. We provide global evidence that tropical, but not subtropical, forests are characterized by soil N dynamics sustaining N availability and that N deposition inhibits soil N retention and stimulates N losses in these biomes.
Keywords: global change; leaky or conservative nitrogen cycle; nitrogen cycle; nitrogen deposition scenarios; nitrogen loss; tropical and subtropical forests.
© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.