Aim: Post-COVID-19 syndrome is defined as continuous symptoms related to SARS-CoV-2 infection, which can persist for several weeks or months. Previous studies identified risk factors associated with post-COVID-19 syndrome, including female sex, hypertension, and allergic respiratory diseases. This study aims to investigate the frequency of this syndrome among Arabic patients.
Subject and methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted from March to August 2022. The study included 520 Arabic patients with confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis, who were asked about possible symptoms persisting for ≥28 days.
Results: Twenty-five percent (25%) of the included patients developed post-COVID-19 syndrome. The most common recorded symptoms were cough (32%), anosmia (32%), fatigue (28%), headache (19%), muscle pain (19%), and shortness of breath (17%). It was found that female sex, hospitalization due to initial COVID-19 infection, and the presence of chronic diseases were significant risk factors for developing post-COVID-19 syndrome.
Conclusion: The study recorded post-COVID-19 syndrome among 25% of Arabic participants. Initial COVID-19 hospitalization, initial symptomatic COVID-19, and female sex were significant risk factors for developing post-COVID-19 syndrome.
Supplementary information: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s10389-022-01802-3.
Keywords: Chronic symptoms; Health issues; Post-COVID-19 syndrome; Risk factors; SARS-CoV-2.
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