Physicochemical Synergistic Separator Coating Induces Uniform and Rapid Deposition of Li and Zn Ions

Nano Lett. 2023 Jan 11;23(1):336-343. doi: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.2c04613. Epub 2022 Dec 22.


Li and Zn metal batteries are the most promising candidates to replace conventional Li-ion batteries. However, a series of issues, especially dendrites caused by uneven deposition of cations during charge-discharge cycles, hinder their practical application. Here, we proposed a facile separator modification method which combines physical and chemical forces to regulate uniform and rapid deposition of both Li+ and Zn2+. Physically, the electronegativity of modified separators drives rapid transport of metal ions via a surface diffusion mode. Chemically, the polar surface functional groups on coated separators induce uniform deposition of metal ions so that the dendrite growth is effectively inhibited. As a result, the Li and Zn metal anodes employing modified separators can cycle stably for over 1000 h under a large current density of 10 mA cm-2.

Keywords: Dendrite suppression; Ion induction; Lithium metal battery; Separator modification; Zinc metal battery.