Purpose of review: Research on patterns of overconsumption in individuals with food addiction (FA) has focused largely on binge eating. However, compulsive overeating can be varied and dimensional. This review focuses on the similarities between the patterns of consumption in FA and in other clinically established substance-use disorders, such as alcohol and nicotine dependence. It also highlights features that make FA unique to other addiction disorders.
Recent findings: Overall, there is substantial evidence that binge-like overconsumption is a characteristic of various substance-use and eating disorders. Likewise, it appears that different overeating patterns can reflect addictive-like eating. One pattern may be compulsive grazing - defined as the repetitive inability to resist consumption of small amounts of food.
Summary: This review adds to the increasingly compelling picture that FA and binge-eating disorder are unique conditions, and that FA resembles other substance-use disorders. We conclude that a variety of overeating patterns can reflect addictive eating behaviours in vulnerable individuals, one of which may be compulsive grazing.
Keywords: Binge eating; Compulsive overeating; Food addiction; Grazing; Substance-use disorders.
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