We analyze gender and racial disparities in academic otolaryngology from 2007 to 2018 in the United States (US). A cross-sectional retrospective analysis was done using data from the American Association of Medical Colleges. The distribution of gender and race, academic ranks, tenure tracks, and degrees was reported. The total number of otolaryngologists increased from 1,490 to 2,239, where 53 percent were females. All races experienced an increase; however, Whites and Asians had a greater increase compared to Black and Hispanics. Regarding percentages at different ranks, White were the majority (>50 percent) in every category. As for tenure, the general trend was a decrease in the total number of tenured physicians from 327 in 2007 to 318 in 2018, where Black, Hispanic, and Asian tenured physicians increased, while White tenured physicians decreased. White male otolaryngologists were the majority for every subgroup (>60 percent), whereas Black faculty made up less than 1 percent of tenured category. Female representation gradually increased for all levels of tenure. As for all degrees, Whites were the majority for all levels of education (>60 percent). There were some improvements in the representations for the females in all and Asians on the tenure track. However, progress for the URM remains an elusive dream.
Keywords: Gender diversity; otolaryngology; prevalence; racial diversity; underrepresented in medicine.