A defining feature of early infancy is the immense neural plasticity that enables animals to develop a brain that is functionally integrated with a growing body. Early infancy is also defined as a period dominated by sleep. Here, we describe three conceptual frameworks that vary in terms of whether and how they incorporate sleep as a factor in the activity-dependent development of sensory and sensorimotor systems. The most widely accepted framework is exemplified by the visual system where retinal waves seemingly occur independent of sleep-wake states. An alternative framework is exemplified by the sensorimotor system where sensory feedback from sleep-specific movements activates the brain. We prefer a third framework that encompasses the first two but also captures the diverse ways in which sleep modulates activity-dependent development throughout the nervous system. Appreciation of the third framework will spur progress toward a more comprehensive and cohesive understanding of both typical and atypical neurodevelopment.
Keywords: REM sleep; development; myoclonic twitch; non-REM sleep; ocular dominance; plasticity; rapid eye movements.
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