Duodenal perforation due to migrated biliary stent: Case report

Int J Surg Case Rep. 2022 Aug:97:107354. doi: 10.1016/j.ijscr.2022.107354. Epub 2022 Jul 2.


Introduction: Biliary stents are frequently associated with various complications; however biliary stent migration causing duodenal perforation is rare and has only been reported in few cases.

Presentation of case: We present a case of 33 years old male with pain abdomen and fever for 2 days came to Emergency department. He had undergone open common bile duct exploration (CBD), clearance of stone and placement of CBD stent. In X-ray abdomen, biliary stent migration was suspected. CECT abdomen was done for the confirmation of diagnosis which showed migrated stent with duodenal perforation. Patient underwent exploratory laparotomy and Thal patch repair, pyloric exclusion, retrograde duodenostomy and feeding jejunostomy. Post-operative period was uneventful.

Discussion: Biliary stents are used to relieve biliary obstruction. There is increasing use of endoscopic retrograde drainage via plastic endoprosthesis and so the related morbidities. One of the rare but serious complications is intestinal perforation and duodenal perforation is seen in most of the cases, explanation being the relative fixed position of the duodenum.

Conclusion: Although intestinal perforation is an uncommon complication following CBD stenting, we should suspect it in patients presenting with pain and fever.

Keywords: Biliary stent; Case report; Duodenal perforation; Peritonitis.